Hi, I am Brita Long.

Welcome to the Happier Attorney Flat Fee Mastery Program, where I provide you with an exclusive glimpse of the incredible resources available to you.

Hi, I am Brita Long.

Welcome to the Happier Attorney Flat Fee Mastery Program, where I provide you with an exclusive glimpse of the incredible resources available to you.

Are you tired of constantly tracking your time, overworking, and struggling to earn a great living as an attorney?

I’m here to help. My mission is to teach fellow attorneys how to harness the power of flat fees and achieve financial stability without sacrificing their precious time and energy.

Imagine a world where you regain control of your practice, your schedule, and your finances. Picture yourself delivering exceptional legal services to your clients while enjoying worry-free vacations, knowing that your bank account is secure and your office is running smoothly. It’s time to unlock your full potential and experience the satisfaction of going to bed each night with pride, not stress.

I invite you to envision a life where you have your own thriving practice, where tracking your time becomes a thing of the past, and where you no longer waste valuable hours chasing down payments or dealing with collections. Picture yourself working a reasonable 40-hour week, all while earning a fantastic income. Best of all, imagine having happy clients who genuinely appreciate the exceptional work you do.

You might be thinking, “Sounds too good to be true.” But trust me, it’s not some far-fetched utopia filled with rainbow unicorns. It’s the reality for thousands of attorneys who have embraced the power of flat fees. Join them today and transform your legal career for the better.

Free Webinar

Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to watch a free webinar specifically designed for attorneys seeking to optimize their practice with flat fee billing strategies.

Shift your mindset. Register today

Platinum bundle

One/One Support

Gold bundle


Silver bundle

Just the Basics


Are you ready to transform your legal career?

Gain valuable insights, expert guidance, and practical tips to streamline your billing process and enhance client satisfaction. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your legal practice.

Here's what you can expect to find within the program:

Personalized Coaching

Personalized Coaching

Unlike other programs, I provide one one-on-one coaching directly from me, Brita Long. I am personally dedicated to your success and growth, ensuring that you receive guidance every step of the way. Together, we will eliminate self-sabotage and expand your limitations.

Bonus Courses

Bonus Courses

In addition to the core program, you will gain access to bonus courses that focus on essential aspects of your professional development. These courses cover topics such as time management and money mindset, providing you with valuable tools to enhance your efficiency and financial mindset.

Comprehensive Video Course

Comprehensive Video Course

My downloadable video course is your ultimate resource for mastering flat fees. It encompasses everything you could ever want to know about effectively implementing and utilizing flat fees in your practice.

Program highlights

The Happier Attorney Flat Fee Mastery Program equips you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to become a master of flat fees. With these resources at your disposal, you will gain the confidence to transform your practice, maximize your earnings, and achieve the work-life balance you desire.

Shift your mindset. Register today

6 Monthly Payments of $867

ONE Payment of $4,997
  • The Happier Attorney Flat Fee Digital Course​
  • The Happier Attorney Mastering Initial Consultations
  • The Happier Attorney Money Mindset Course
  • The Happier Attorney Time Management Course
  • 4 one-on-one 90-minute telephone coaching sessions with Brita
6 Monthly Payments of $534

ONE Payment of $2,997
  • The Happier Attorney Flat Fee Digital Course​
  • The Happier Attorney Mastering Initial Consultations
  • The Happier Attorney Money Mindset Course
  • The Happier Attorney Time Management Course
  • 1 one-on-one 90-minute telephone coaching sessions with Brita
6 Monthly Payments of $400

ONE Payment of $2,197
  • The Happier Attorney Flat Fee Digital Course​
Brita Long

My guarantee

3x return on course fee or it’s free

If within the first 5 business days of purchasing the course you don’t think you will see a 3 times return on your investment, or this learning flat fees will benefit your practice, you can email me and you will be 100% reimbursed.

I know the power of this work.  I know the amazing results my attorney clients have gotten from this work.  I can radically alter your future.

BUT  I know that you don’t fully know this fact yet and won’t until after you experience it yourself.

Here are the details?

You have to show up.  You have to have gotten through at least 80% of the video course on flat fees.

You cannot have downloaded the course or materials.

What others are saying...

Unlock the potential of flat fee billing and revolutionize your legal practice!

Register now for my comprehensive flat fees course tailored exclusively for attorneys. Gain the knowledge and skills needed to confidently implement flat fee strategies, maximize profitability, and delight clients. Seize this opportunity to take your legal career to new heights. Don't wait, enroll today and pave the way for a more efficient and rewarding practice!
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